Home » How to Perform Bootstrapping in R (With Examples)

How to Perform Bootstrapping in R (With Examples)

by Tutor Aspire

Bootstrapping is a method that can be used to estimate the standard error of any statistic and produce a confidence interval for the statistic.

The basic process for bootstrapping is as follows:

  • Take k repeated samples with replacement from a given dataset.
  • For each sample, calculate the statistic you’re interested in.
  • This results in k different estimates for a given statistic, which you can then use to calculate the standard error of the statistic and create a confidence interval for the statistic.

We can perform bootstrapping in R by using the following functions from the boot library:

1. Generate bootstrap samples.

boot(data, statistic, R, …)


  • data: A vector, matrix, or data frame
  • statistic: A function that produces the statistic(s) to be bootstrapped
  • R: Number of bootstrap replicates 

2. Generate a bootstrapped confidence interval.

boot.ci(bootobject, conf, type)


  • bootobject: An object returned by the boot() function
  • conf: The confidence interval to calculate. Default is 0.95
  • type: Type of confidence interval to calculate. Options include “norm”, “basic”, “stud”, “perc”, “bca” and “all” – Default is “all”

The following examples show how to use these functions in practice.

Example 1: Bootstrap a Single Statistic

The following code shows how to calculate the standard error for the R-squared of a simple linear regression model:


#define function to calculate R-squared
rsq_function function(formula, data, indices) {
  d #allows boot to select sample
  fit #fit regression model
  return(summary(fit)$r.square) #return R-squared of model
#perform bootstrapping with 2000 replications
reps #view results of boostrapping


boot(data = mtcars, statistic = rsq_function, R = 2000, formula = mpg ~ 

Bootstrap Statistics :
     original      bias    std. error
t1* 0.7183433 0.002164339  0.06513426

From the results we can see:

  • The estimated R-squared for this regression model is 0.7183433.
  • The standard error for this estimate is 0.06513426.

We can quickly view the distribution of the bootstrapped samples as well:


Histogram of bootstrapped samples in R

We can also use the following code to calculate the 95% confidence interval for the estimated R-squared of the model:

#calculate adjusted bootstrap percentile (BCa) interval
boot.ci(reps, type="bca")

boot.ci(boot.out = reps, type = "bca")

Intervals : 
Level       BCa          
95%   ( 0.5350,  0.8188 )  
Calculations and Intervals on Original Scale

From the output we can see that the 95% bootstrapped confidence interval for the true R-squared values is (.5350, .8188).

Example 2: Bootstrap Multiple Statistics

The following code shows how to calculate the standard error for each coefficient in a multiple linear regression model:


#define function to calculate fitted regression coefficients
coef_function function(formula, data, indices) {
  d #allows boot to select sample
  fit #fit regression model
  return(coef(fit)) #return coefficient estimates of model

#perform bootstrapping with 2000 replications
reps #view results of boostrapping


boot(data = mtcars, statistic = coef_function, R = 2000, formula = mpg ~ 

Bootstrap Statistics :
       original        bias    std. error
t1* 29.59985476 -5.058601e-02  1.49354577
t2* -0.04121512  6.549384e-05  0.00527082

From the results we can see:

  • The estimated coefficient for the intercept of the model is 29.59985476 and the standard error of this estimate is 1.49354577.
  • The estimated coefficient for the predictor variable disp in the model is -0.04121512 and the standard error of this estimate is 0.00527082.

We can quickly view the distribution of the bootstrapped samples as well:

plot(reps, index=1) #intercept of model
plot(reps, index=2) #disp predictor variable

Bootstrapping in R

We can also use the following code to calculate the 95% confidence intervals for each coefficient:

#calculate adjusted bootstrap percentile (BCa) intervals
boot.ci(reps, type="bca", index=1) #intercept of model
boot.ci(reps, type="bca", index=2) #disp predictor variable

boot.ci(boot.out = reps, type = "bca", index = 1)

Intervals : 
Level       BCa          
95%   (26.78, 32.66 )  
Calculations and Intervals on Original Scale
Based on 2000 bootstrap replicates

boot.ci(boot.out = reps, type = "bca", index = 2)

Intervals : 
Level       BCa          
95%   (-0.0520, -0.0312 )  
Calculations and Intervals on Original Scale

From the output we can see that the 95% bootstrapped confidence intervals for the model coefficients are as follows:

  • C.I. for intercept: (26.78, 32.66)
  • C.I. for disp: (-.0520, -.0312)

Additional Resources

How to Perform Simple Linear Regression in R
How to Perform Multiple Linear Regression in R
Introduction to Confidence Intervals

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