SQL Cursors As we have discussed SQL Cursors in SQL tutorial of tutoraspire so you can go through the concepts again to…
B.Tech / MCA
SQL Trigger As we have discussed SQL Trigger in SQL tutorial of tutoraspire so you can go through the concepts again to…
Write a program to find the quotient and remainder In this article, we will discuss the program to find the quotient and…
Traditional methods of Information gathering There are two types of traditional methods of information gathering: Passive information gathering Active information gathering Passive…
Q. Program to print the number of elements present in an array. Explanation In this program, we need to count and print…
Program to search an element in a singly linked list Explanation In this program, we need to search a node in the…
Write a program to print the following pattern Algorithm STEP 1: START STEP 2: SET lines=8, i=1,j=1,k=1 STEP 3: REPEAT STEP 4…
Q. Program to implement Binary Tree using the linked list Explanation In this program, we need to create the binary tree by…
Write a program to print the following pattern Algorithm STEP 1: Start STEP 2: SET i=1,j=1,k=1,l=1,direction=1 STEP 3: SET matrix[5][5] STEP 4:…
Q. Program to print the smallest element present in an array. Explanation In this program, we need to find out the smallest…