MySQL MID() Function MID(str,pos,len) is a Sring function of MySQL. This method returns string of given length and position. Syntax select mid(str,…
Mysql Tutorial
MySQL OCTET_LENGTH() Function OCTET_LENGTH(str) is a Sring function of MySQL. This method returns length of given string. Syntax select octet_length(str); Example 1…
MySQL POSITION() Function POSITION(substr IN str) is a Sring function of MySQL. This method returns position of the given sub string in…
MySQL LEFT() Function LEFT(str,len) is a Sring function of MySQL. This method returns left side ‘len’ characters from the given string ‘str’.…
MySQL LENGTH() Function LENGTH(str) is a Sring function of MySQL. This method returns length of the given string ?str? which is measured…
MySQL LOWER() Function LOWER(str) is a Sring function of MySQL. This method returns the given string in lower case. Syntax select lower(str);…
MySQL LCASE() Function LCASE(str) is a Sring function of MySQL. This method returns string in lower case. Syntax select lcase(‘TUTORASPIRE’); Example 1…
MySQL SOUNDEX() Function The Soundex() is a String function of MySQL. This method returns a Soundex string. Two strings which sound almost…
MySQL ELT() Function Elt() function is a Sring function of MySQL. This method Nth element from the list of string. Syntax select…
MySQL SUBSTR() Function The substr() is a String function of MySQL. This function returns the substring from the given string. Syntax select…