Firebase: Facebook Sign-In Authentication In this section, we will talk about the most trending authentication method of Firebase, i.e., Facebook. Facebook sign-in…
Firebase Tutorial
Firebase hosting Firebase Hosting allows fast and secure hosting for our web application, static and dynamic content, and microservices. It is production-grade…
Firebase Creating and Deploying Cloud Function In our previous section, we learned what are the Cloud Functions, why we use them, how…
Adding Firebase to App Firebase is developed for mobile applications. Android Studio is the best platform for developing android applications. Firebase is…
AdMob with Firebase The easiest way to monetize mobile apps with targeted, in-app advertising is known as Google AdMob. It is a…
Data Organization in Firestore Cloud Firestore is a NoSQL, document-oriented database. There are no tables or rows, and data is stored in…
Firebase SDK: Authentication using the email link Firebase SDK authentication using email link/no password is quite similar to Firebase UI authentication using…
Data Organization in Firebase Real-time Database In our previous section, we understood how to setup a Firebase console and Android application to…
Download files from Cloud Storage In our last section, we learned the different ways of uploading files. Now, we will learn how…
Firebase SDK: Authentication using email/password In our previous sections, we have learned how authentication is done using Firebase UI either for email/password…