RichFaces <rich:tooltip> This component provides an informational tool-tip. We can attach tool-tip any control and is displayed when hovering the mouse cursor…
Richfaces Tutorial
RichFaces Tutorial RichFaces Tutorial provides basic and advanced concepts of Richfaces. Our RichFaces Tutorial is designed for beginners and professionals both. RichFaces…
RichFaces Skinning and Theming Skinning Skinning is a feature of RichFaces which is used to provide look and feel for the application.…
RichFaces Architecture RichFaces has an architecture which consists of the following important elements. Ajax Action Components Ajax Containers Ajax Output Skins and…
RichFaces InplaceInput RichFaces provides <rich:inplaceInput> component which is used to create a editable text box. It allows text to be entered in-line…
RichFaces <rich:toolbar> The <rich:toolbar> component is a horizontal toolbar. Any JavaServer Faces ( JSF) component can be added to the toolbar. The…
Component overview The RichFaces framework is made up of two tag libraries. rich tag library: It includes the high-level components for building…
RichFaces <rich:inplaceSelect> This component is similar to the <rich:inplaceInput> component, except that it uses a drop-down selection box to enter text instead…
RichFaces Configuration To configure, we are using NetBeans IDE. We have downloaded RichFaces libraries from the official site. The following steps are…
RichFaces <rich:inputNumberSlider> It provides a slider for changing numerical values. It is used to select numerical value by selecting from the slider’s…