Characteristics of Embedded System
Let’s see the general characteristics of embedded system in the real-time computation of system:
- An embedded system is software embedded into computer hardware that makes a system dedicated to be used for variety of application.
- Embedded system generally used for do specific task that provide real-time output on the basis of various characteristics of an embedded system.
- Embedded system may contain a smaller part within a larger device that used for serving the more specific application to perform variety of task using hardware-software intermixing configuration.
- It provides high reliability and real-time computation ability.
Let’s see the characteristics of Hardware and Software Interfacing in the real world of Embedded Systems:
S. No | Software Interface | Hardware Interface | Visual Aid | Remarks |
1 | Driver for LED | Session: Interfacing of DisplayDiagram: Interfacing of LED | LED glowing On and Off. | Handling a single segment in 7 segment display as a single LED |
2 | Driver for 7 segment display | Session: Interfacing of Display Diagram 1: Interfacing of single 7 segment display Diagram 2: Interfacing of multiple 7 segment display | Displaying numbers 0000 to 9999 on 7-segment display. | Simple multiplexing without the use of Display Look up Table.Static display |
3 | Driver for multiplexing 4 seven segment displays | Session: Interfacing of Display Diagram 1: Interfacing of single 7 segment display Diagram 2: Interfacing of multiple 7 segment displays | Displaying numbers 0000 to 9999 on 7-segment display. | Multiplexing of 7 segment display taking patterns from Display Look up Table. |
4 | Counter | Application on seven-segment display. | Showing continuously incrementing values on seven-segment display | Without interrupt, Without ASCII values |
5 | Counter | Application on seven-segment display. | Showing continuously incrementing values on seven-segment display | Without interrupt, With ASCII values |
6 | Timer Counter | Session: Time / Counter initialization. | Blinking LED | Timer in Polling mode |
Concept of background and foreground process for I/O handling using Interrupt | ||||
7 | Generating Timer Interrupt | Session: Timer and interrupt structure Diagram 1: Timer SFR Diagram2: Interrupt Vector Table | Blinking of dot on seven-segment display. | Dot indicates occurrence of interrupt |
8 | Interrupt based display driver for seven segment display | Session: timer and interrupt structure Diagram 1: 1ms interrupt structure Diagram 2: Scanner program flow chart | Four digit counter application on seven-segment display | With interrupt, with ASCII values |
9 | Interrupt based hex key pad driver | Session: Interfacing of keys Diagram1: Interfacing of Key Diagram 2: Interfacing of Hex Key pad, Scan lines and Return lines Diagram 3: Scanner program flow chart | Displaying the value of key pressed till user presses another key | Key pad scanning with interrupt |
10 | Complete Stopwatch application | Related to each of the above | Showing continuously incrementing values on seven-segment display | A key for starting SW B key for stopping SW C key for resetting SW |
- Same hardware can be used in variety of application.
- Lesser power requirement
- Lower operational cost of system
- Provide high performance and efficiency
- Developing a system required more time. Due to functional complexity.
- Skilled engineers required because one mistake may result in destroying of complete project.
Next TopicDesigning of an Embedded System