I had the pleasure to speak at WordCamp Rome 2017. Yes, the very first WordCamp in my hometown (I left Rome in 2007 to move to Ireland)!
I was super happy to present a talk called “The 10 Commandments of Content Marketing” (OMG how difficult it was to speak in English in front of my Italian friends…).
The talk covered my 5 years of content marketing, and how I’ve seen it all while creating content on my WordPress website: during the first 2 years I wasted time and energy to write blogs no one would read. Then I found my inspiration, my path, my content strategy – and in the last 3 years website traffic has risen from 0 to 15,000+ users (and still growing) per week. Now my blog is my only source of sales leads.
I first and foremost described what mistakes (sins) I made. What about saving 2 years of your life?
Then I listed the “10 Commandments of Content Marketing” – 10 simple tips you can take away to increase your website traffic and focus on the only purpose of content marketing: teaching.
In the final part of the talk, I recommended a few WordPress plugins and email marketing strategies to implement the whole system.
Slides: “The 10 Commandments of Content Marketing”