Often when you import date and time data into R, values will be imported as strings.
The easiest way to convert strings to dates in R is with the as.Date() function, which uses the following syntax:
as.Date(x, format)
- x: A single string value or a vector of string values.
- format: The format to use for the date. The default is YYYY-MM-DD.
You can use the ?strftime command in R to view a complete list of arguments available to use for the date format, but the most common ones include:
- %d: Day of the month as decimal number (01-31)
- %m: Month as decimal number (01-12)
- %y: Year without century (e.g. 04)
- %Y: Year with century (e.g. 2004)
This tutorial shows several examples of how to use the as.Date() function in practice.
Example 1: Convert a Single String to a Date
The following code shows how to convert a single string value to a date:
#create string value x 2021-07-24") #convert string to date new %Y-%m-%d") new [1] "2021-07-24" #check class of new variable class(new) [1] "Date"
Example 2: Convert a Vector of Strings to Dates
The following code shows how to convert a vector of strings to dates:
#create vector of strings x 2021-07-24", "2021-07-26", "2021-07-30") #convert string to date new %Y-%m-%d") new [1] "2021-07-24" "2021-07-26" "2021-07-30" #check class of new variable class(new) [1] "Date"
Example 3: Convert a Data Frame Column to Dates
The following code shows how to convert a data frame column of strings to dates:
#create data frame df 2021-07-24", "2021-07-26", "2021-07-30"), sales=c(22, 25, 28), products=c(3, 6, 7)) #view structure of data frame str(df) 'data.frame': 3 obs. of 3 variables: $ day : Factor w/ 3 levels "2021-07-24","2021-07-26",..: 1 2 3 $ sales : num 22 25 28 $ products: num 3 6 7 #convert day variable to date df$day %Y-%m-%d") #view structure of new data frame str(df) 'data.frame': 3 obs. of 3 variables: $ day : Date, format: "2021-07-24" "2021-07-26" ... $ sales : num 22 25 28 $ products: num 3 6 7
Example 4: Convert Multiple Date Frame Columns to Dates
The following code shows how to convert multiple data frame column of strings to dates:
#create data frame df 2021-07-24", "2021-07-26", "2021-07-30"), end = c("2021-07-25", "2021-07-28", "2021-08-02"), products=c(3, 6, 7)) #view structure of data frame str(df) 'data.frame': 3 obs. of 3 variables: $ start : Factor w/ 3 levels "2021-07-24","2021-07-26",..: 1 2 3 $ end : Factor w/ 3 levels "2021-07-25","2021-07-28",..: 1 2 3 $ products: num 3 6 7 #convert start and end variables to date df[,c('start', 'end')] = lapply(df[,c('start', 'end')], function(x) as.Date(x, format="%Y-%m-%d")) #view structure of new data frame str(df) 'data.frame': 3 obs. of 3 variables: $ start : Date, format: "2021-07-24" "2021-07-26" ... $ end : Date, format: "2021-07-25" "2021-07-28" ... $ products: num 3 6 7
You can learn more about the lapply() function used in this example here.
Additional Resources
The following tutorials offer additional information on how to work with dates in R:
The Complete Guide to Date Formats in R
How to Sort a Data Frame by Date in R
How to Extract Year from Date in R