Home » F# Nullable Operators

F# Nullable Operators

by Online Tutorials Library

F# Nullable operators

Nullable operators are used to work with database queries. It handles null values which are stored in tables in place of data.

Nullable on left Nullable on right Both sides Nullable
?> >? ?>?
?>= >=? ?>=?
?<= <=? ?<=?
?< <? ?lt:?
?= =? ?=?
?+ +? ?+?

You can apply nullable operators with all binary arithmetic and comparison operations.

F# Operator Precedence

Operator Associativity
as right
when right
|(pipe) left
; right
let nonassociative
function,fun,match,try nonassociative
if nonassociative
-> right
:= right
, nonassociative
or, || left
&,&& left
:>; , :?>; right
!=op, <op, >op, =, |op, &op, &

(including <<<, >>>, |||, &&&)

^op (including ^^^) right
:: right
:? non associative
-op, +op applies to infix uses of these symbols
*op, /op, %op left
**op right
f x (function application) left
| (pattern match) right
prefix operators (+op, -op, %, %%, &, &&, !op, ~op) left
. left
f(x) left
f<types> left
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