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How to advertise on Facebook

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How to advertise on Facebook

If we already have a Facebook Business Page, we can go directly to Facebook Advertising Manager or Business Manager to create our Facebook advertising campaign. If we don’t have a business page yet, we must create one.

There are a total of 11 marketing objectives that are offered by Facebook. These objectives are based on what we want our ad to accomplish.

  • Brand awareness
    It introduces our brand to new audience.
  • Store traffic
    It is helpful to drive nearby customers for bricks-and-mortar stores.
  • Traffic
    It drives the traffic to a specific app, Facebook Messenger conversation, or a web page.
  • App installs
    It is used to get people to install our app.
  • Lead generation
    It is used to get new prospects into our sales funnel.
  • Video views
    It is used to get more people to watch our videos.
  • Messages
    It is used to encourage people to contact our business using Facebook Messenger.
  • Conversions
    It is used to get people to take a specific action on our website, in Facebook Messenger, or with our app.
  • Reach
    It exposes our ad to as many people as possible in our audience.
  • Engagement
    It is used to reach a wide audience to increase attendance at our event. If we want to claim special offers, we have to increase the number of post engagements or Page Likes or encourage people.

These are the following steps used to advertise on Facebook:

1) Login into Facebook Ads Manager

In the first step, we will login to the Facebook Ads Manager. We will select the Campaigns tab from there. After that, we will click on the Create to get started with a new Facebook ad campaign.

How to advertise on Facebook
How to advertise on Facebook

2) Select the method

After clicking on the Create button, we will see two options, i.e., Create complete campaigns and Create campaign shells. Based on our preference, we will choose one option from both of these two.

How to advertise on Facebook

3) Choose the marketing objective.

After selecting an option, the marketing options will be visible. We will select a marketing objective from the objectives which we have discussed above in this section.

How to advertise on Facebook
How to advertise on Facebook

4) Give a name to our campaign.

Now, we will scroll down the page to reach the name field and give the name of our campaign. Apart from this, two more options will also be visible on this page, i.e., Create A/B Test and Campaign budget optimization. The Campaign budget optimization option will be useful only when we are using multiple ad sets. After giving the name and selecting options, we will click on the Continue button at the bottom of the page.

How to advertise on Facebook
How to advertise on Facebook

5) Target our audience

Now, we will give a name to our Facebook ad campaign at the top of this screen. We will build the target audience for our ads by scrolling down the page. We will add the custom audience, select our target location, age, gender, and language.

How to advertise on Facebook
How to advertise on Facebook
How to advertise on Facebook
How to advertise on Facebook
How to advertise on Facebook

6) Choose Facebook ad placements.

Now, we will choose a place where we want to appear in our ads. The simplest way is Automatic Placements used when we are new on Facebook advertising. When we select the automatic placement, Facebook will automatically place our ads across all the social network sites like Instagram, Facebook, Messenger, and the Audience Network.

We can place our Facebook ads in specific locations or we have the following options:

  • Device type
    We can place our ads on mobile, desktop, or both.
  • Specific mobile devices and operating systems
    We can place our ads on specific mobile devices and operating systems like iOS, Android, feature phones, or all devices.
  • Placements
    By using this option, we can place our ads in Feeds, Stories, in-stream, messages, in-article, and apps and sites.
  • Platform
    We can place our ads on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Audience Network, or Messenger.

How to advertise on Facebook

7) Set our budget and schedule

We will decide the money that we want to spend on our Facebook ad campaign. We have two budgets, i.e., daily and life, and we can choose anyone from these two. After that, we will set the start and end dates to schedule our ad in the future.

We can include the cost control and an optional cost that capture the amount per task, not the entire campaign.

How to advertise on Facebook
How to advertise on Facebook

By using the advance budgeting options, we can get the details of how we want to spend our money.

How to advertise on Facebook

8) Create our ad

Now, we will create our ad by choosing the ad format from the formats shown by the ad manager.

How to advertise on Facebook

After that, we will add the media, links, and tracking related information.

How to advertise on Facebook
How to advertise on Facebook
How to advertise on Facebook

At last, we will click on the Confirm button located at the below of the page.

How to advertise on Facebook

9) Payment

At last, we will pay Facebook for the ad. After paying Facebook, our ad will be visible on Facebook.

How to advertise on Facebook

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