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How to contact Facebook

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How to contact Facebook

Facebook is a widely used social networking site, which makes it easy to connect with friends and family online. More than 1 billion users use Facebook worldwide. The user can be faced with several problems while using Facebook. These issues can be common account problems. Facebook doesn’t provide any direct way like telephone or email to contact Facebook. We can report or troubleshoot a problem by using Facebook’s built-in resource. These are the following four methods to contact Facebook:

1) Reporting a problem on Facebook

  • Login to the Facebook account

Firstly, open the Facebook official website by pasting the https://www.facebook.com/in the address bar of preferred web browser. If we already logged into Facebook, we will directly reach the News Feed page. But if we are not login, then we have to enter the username, phone number, and email address, followed by the password in the given tab.

How to contact Facebook

  • Locate the comment, post, picture, profile, video, or ad that is a problem.

All the posts and comments are located either in our news feed or on the wall of the person who posted them. We will click on the image or video to enlarge it and to report it. To report a profile or group, we will click on the profile image or name of the profile or group we want to report.

How to contact Facebook

  • Click on the three dots or option button.

Below are the content types where we find the three dots and options button for opening options list:

  • Posts: We will click on the three dots located above and the right of the post.
  • Images: We will click on the Options after clicking on the image. This Options button will be located at the bottom-right of the image.
  • Profiles: We will click on the person profile or name. After that, we will click on the three dots at the upper-right corner of his/her cover photo.
  • Comments: Go to the comment and click on the three dots on the right side of the comment.
  • Groups: We will click on the group’s name and then click on the More button located below the group profile image.
  • Videos: We will enlarge the video by clicking on it. After that, we will click on the three dots located below the video and to the right.

How to contact Facebook
How to contact Facebook

  • Click on the Report or Give Feedback

We will click on the Report or Give Feedback option from the list of options. Depending on the content which we are reporting, this option reads differently. But it is usually a variation of “Report” or “Give Feedback”.

How to contact Facebook

  • Select how the content goes against Facebook’s Community Standards.

After clicking on the Report, several options will be visible. We will choose one option depending on how the photo, video, comment, or ads goes against Facebook’s community standards and then click on the Submit button.

How to contact Facebook
How to contact Facebook

  • Follow the on-screen instructions.

Depending on the content we report, we may be asked to submit a report to Facebook. They don’t ask this for all content, but they use your feedback to improve their system.

  • To report a privacy violation, use this form.

How to contact Facebook

  • To report a problem with a business or advertisement, use this form.

How to contact Facebook
How to contact Facebook
How to contact Facebook

2) Using Facebook Resources

1) Open Facebook Help center

We will open the Facebook Help Center web page by clicking on the help button at the top of the right-hand side of the home page.

How to contact Facebook
How to contact Facebook
How to contact Facebook

Note: There is no direct way to contact Facebook. For diagnosing and reporting a problem with our account, Facebook’s help center is used.

2) Review the options toolbar

The options toolbar is located at the top of the screen. The toolbar options contain the following options:

  • Using Facebook
    The basic functionality like how-tos on messaging, friending, and account creation is covered by this section.
  • Privacy and Safety
    The unfriending people, hacked/fake accounts, and account security.
  • Managing Your Account
    Items such as our profile and our login settings are covered by this section.
  • Policies and Reporting
    All basic reporting like abuse, spam, etc., handling a deceased person’s Facebook account and fake accounts or reporting hacked is covered by this section.

How to contact Facebook

3) Select a relevant section

Now, we will select a section that is relevant to our problem. If we are facing a problem with an impostor account, we will select the “Privacy and Safety section”. After selecting Privacy and Safety, a list of options will be visible, and we will click on the “Hacked and Fake Accounts”.

How to contact Facebook
How to contact Facebook
How to contact Facebook

4) Review additional option

Now, we will click on the “How do I report a fake account?”. In response to this click, a series of steps will be revealed which explain how to remedy our situation.

How to contact Facebook
How to contact Facebook

5) Expedite the process.

We will click on the search bar located at the top of the Help Center page. Several suggestions pop pups will be visible in the drop-down menu below the search bar. Only Facebook’s pre-written articles are linked by the search bar. If we are looking for an answer for a specific issue not covered in the Help Center, we will click on the Community Help to visit the Facebook Community Page.

How to contact Facebook

6) Go to the Ads Help Center page.

The Ads Help Center page addresses all the issues regarding ads of our business or page. We will click on the “Creating Ads or Managing Ads” button, and we will click on the “Troubleshooting Your Ads” for advertising problems.

How to contact Facebook

7) Go to the Facebook Community page

We will go to the Facebook Community page and look it when we are not able to find our problem listed anywhere in the Help Center.

How to contact Facebook

3) Using Facebook Resources

1) Open the Disabled Account page

The disabled Account page is opened and used to answer the question of why my account is disabled? We will not be able to submit an appeal until our account has been enabled.

How to contact Facebook

2) Click on the “use this form to request a review” link.

The “use this form to request a review” is a link located at the bottom of the page’s paragraph next to the “If you think your account was disabled by mistake” header.

How to contact Facebook
How to contact Facebook

3) Type your Facebook Email address and name

We will type the email address or phone number used to sign in to Facebook. We will type our full name that will be directly matched with the name on our account.

How to contact Facebook
How to contact Facebook

4) Click on the Browse

Now, we will upload our id proof that can be a driver’s license, passport photo, or a permit by clicking on the Browse button.

How to contact Facebook

5) “Additional Info” box

Our account’s reactivation is justified in this space. We consider the following details:

  • Why we want our account to be reactivated.
  • Why our account shouldn’t have been deactivated.
  • Any other extenuating factors that might help our account be reactivated.

How to contact Facebook

6) Click on the Send

We will click on the Send button. By doing this, our form will be sent to Facebook for review. Please note that we may not receive a response for several days.

Note: We will try to submit our form, if we don’t get any response from Facebook within a week.

How to contact Facebook

4) Recovering Your Password

1) Open Facebook website

We will open Facebook in our preferred web browser. If we are not signed in, then we will directly reach to the sign-in page.

How to contact Facebook

2) Click on the Forgot Account?

Now, we will click on the “Forgot Account?” located below the “Password” field in the top right corner of our screen.

How to contact Facebook

3) Fill the email address or phone number

Now, we will fill the email address or phone number field associated with the Facebook account. We have to make sure that we still have access to the phone or email address we are using.

How to contact Facebook

4) Click on the Search

Now, we will click on the Search button located below the text field. In response to this click, a code will be sent to our Facebook phone number or email address.

How to contact Facebook

5) Check message from Facebook.

We will go to the email and check the mail sent by Facebook. The email from Facebook will have a 6-digit code. If we enter the mobile number, then we will get a text message from Facebook containing a 6-digit code also. We will copy this 6-digit code and go to the browser.

How to contact Facebook

6) Type the code and click on the continue

We will enter the 6-digit code in the “Enter Code” box, and then we will click on the continue button.

How to contact Facebook

In response to this click, a password field will be visible. Here, we will enter the new password and click on the continue button. This click will replace the old password with the new password.

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