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How to Use HAVING in SQL

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How to Use HAVING in SQL

In this SQL page, you will learn what the HAVING keyword is and how to implement it in the Structured Query Language.

What is HAVING?

The HAVING is a keyword in SQL which selects the rows filtered by the GROUP BY keyword based on the particular single or multiple conditions.

It is used in SQL because the SQL software does not allow you to use the WHERE clause with their aggregate functions. In SQL, we can only use the HAVING clause in the SELECT query.

Syntax of HAVING clause

In the above syntax, the GROUP BY clause creates a group of the same rows, and the HAVING clause applies the conditions to the resultant groups. The HAVING clause performs its operation on the columns or fields of the table. If we cannot use the GROUP BY clause in the HAVING syntax, the HAVING clause works similarly to the SQL WHERE clause.

If you want to learn how to use the HAVING clause in the SQL table, then you have to follow the below steps:

  1. Create the Simple Database and Table.
  2. Insert the Data into the Table
  3. View the Inserted Data without the HAVING clause.
  4. Use the HAVING clause.

Step 1: Create the simple Database and Table

First, you have to create a new database in SQL.

The following query creates the Fortis_Hospital Database:

Now, you have to create the new table using the following CREATE TABLE syntax:

The following query creates the Doctor_Info table in the Fortis_Hospital Database:

Step 2: Insert the Data into the table

Now, you have to insert the data into the table using the following syntax:

The following query inserts the record of those doctors who work in Fortis_Hospital

Step 3: View the table’s data Without using the HAVING Clause

The following query shows the record of Doctors in an unsorted manner:

The output of the above SELECT query is shown below:

Doctor_ID Doctor_Name Doctor_Specialist Doctor_Salary Doctor_Gender Doctor_Country
1035 Jones Malaria_Specialist 25000 Male United Kingdom
1015 Marry Diabities_Specialist 30000 Female United State
1003 Harry Fever_Specialist 29000 Male United Kingdom
1044 Ella Cancer_Specialist 35000 Female United State
1025 Moria Corona_Specialist 34000 Other Europe

Step 4: Use the HAVING clause

The following SQL SELECT query shows the records of the table using the HAVING clause:


Doctor_Gender SUM(Doctor_Salary)
Male 54000
Other 34000

HAVING Clause with SQL ORDER BY clause

We can also use the ORDER BY keyword with the HAVING clause in the SELECT statement of SQL.

Syntax of HAVING clause with ORDER BY clause

Example of HAVING clause with ORDER BY clause

The following query creates the new Subject table in the School database:

The following INSERT INTO query inserts the records into the Subject table:

The following query shows the records of the Subject table:

Subject_ID Subject_Name Subject_Teacher Student_ID
2248 Computer Bhanu 101
2221 Biology Punit 103
2201 Chemistry Suresh 101
2224 Maths Rohit 103
2248 Computer Bhanu 105
2208 Hindi Sonu 104
2221 Biology Punit 104
2224 Physics Aman 108
2248 Computer Bhanu 106
2208 Maths Sonu 109

The below SQL query uses the SQL ORDER BY clause with the HAVING clause:


Subject_ID COUNT(Student_ID) >=2
2208 2
2221 2
2248 3

HAVING clause with MIN function

We can also use the MIN aggregate function with the HAVING clause in Structured Query Language.

Syntax of Group BY clause with MIN function:

Example of MIN Aggregate Function with HAVING Clause

This example takes the below College_Stu_Details table to understand the concept of the HAVING clause with MIN aggregate function:

The following INSERT INTO statements insert the record of College students:

The following query simply shows the record of students in the tabular form on the screen:

Stu_ID Stu_Name Stu_Subject Stu_Age Stu_Marks
1001 Anuj English 20 70
1002 Raman Maths 24 68
1004 Shyam Hindi 19 92
1007 Vikash Computer 20 78
1011 Monu English 21 65
1014 Jones Hindi 18 93
1021 Parul Maths 20 97
1023 Divya English 21 89
1028 Hemant Computer 23 90
1030 Nidhi Hindi 20 88
1032 Priya English 22 99
1038 Mohit Maths 21 92

The following query shows the minimum marks of a student in each subject from the above College_Stu_Details table:


Subject_ID MIN (Stu_Marks)
English 65
Maths 92
Hindi 88
Computer 78

HAVING clause with MAX function

We can also use the MAX aggregate function with the HAVING clause in Structured Query Language.

Syntax of Group BY clause with MAX aggregate function:

Example of MAX aggregate Function with HAVING Clause

This example takes the below College_Stu_Details table to understand the concept of HAVING clause with SQL MAX aggregate function:

The following INSERT INTO statements insert the record of College students:

The following query simply shows the record of students in the tabular form on the screen:

Stu_ID Stu_Name Stu_Subject Stu_Age Stu_Marks
101 Anuj English 20 70
102 Raman Maths 24 98
104 Shyam Hindi 19 92
107 Vikash Computer 20 78
111 Monu English 21 65
114 Jones Hindi 18 93
121 Parul Maths 20 97
123 Divya English 21 89
128 Hemant Computer 23 90
130 Nidhi Hindi 20 88
132 Priya English 22 99
138 Mohit Maths 21 92

The following query shows the maximum marks of a student in each subject from the above College_Stu_Details table:

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