jQuery Timepicker
Javascript is a vast programming language that supports tons of libraries and frameworks that enhance it. It also supports multiple plugins with your source code.
jQuery is a well-known Javascript library that is ultra-lightweight and kind of ‘write less, do more’ library. It is commonly used to enhance the use of Javascript on our websites. jQuery takes a lot of common tasks that might need a hundred lines of Javascript. jQuery helps Javascript achieving these task that requires very less effort and binds them into simple methods so that you can easily use them within a single line of code.
jQuery Timepicker is generally a plugin that lets users enhance standard form input fields thereby helping users to select different times of different types. The type usually depends on the user. Thus, jQuery parses the frequently used time representations allowing us and the users to write their convenient way to enter time.
To use the Timepicker in jQuery, you will need to add two files named jquery.timepicker.min.js and jquery.timepicker.min.css. The reason for using these files is to use them as a plugin tool. To be more precise, if you have any input elements in your document, Timepicker class can make use of that element by initializing the plugin. This plugin is responsible for different types of screen sizes be it a PC or a mobile. To initialize the plugin, you will need to use the below code.
The above code is specifically for use in remote devices like mobile and tabs, although there are plenty of other ways to install the plugin required for jQuery Timepicker. Consider the below steps that will help you with installation according to your system.
You can rather choose HTML code to get the plugin. Consider the below code for adding the plugin.
Include this code in <head> tag.
Include this in the <body> tag.
Apart from the above steps, you can download the extension from GitHub as well.
Although you can create a UI Timepicker using the above two files. The HTML and CSS codes can be customized by you to visualize the impact of what Timepicker does. To illustrate this in a better sense of understanding, you are required to define a script and an afterimage to display what Timepicker does for you. You could easily select the time, dates, and hours according to your requirements and rather add some more features using HTML and CSS. Consider the below sample code and the image for reference.
The above code is included along with HTML and CSS module. Consider the below image that diplays the Timepicker formats, as discussed above.
You can visualize how the Timepicker has balanced the format defined in the above code. The UI hereby is created solely for your better understanding. The jQuery Timepicker will let you change these time formats along with the defined parameter. Similarly, you can use Datepicker as well.
Consider one more example that might help you understand better.
The above code will establish a timepicker plugin for you.
The next task is to establish the input field using HTML and this is done as shown below.
Next, you need to specify the input field as time picker selector using JavaScript as shown.
Now, all you need to do it to provide your code with the default time in the above input field. It can be done by using the below code.
Using the jQuery Timepicker plugin you can easily add timepicker functionality in the HTML element. Also, you can use some advanced configuration options to extend timepicker as per your requirement to add datepicker and timepicker to the input filed.
You can further add some advanced functionalities in case you are very stringent for the time selector in your project. Moreover, other factors like datapicker can also be used with the above code to have your timepicker display the time and date with the universal format.
The jQuery Timepicker is used as a plugin for your web projects. We discussed the steps of configuring it along with the installation from different types of sources. We have also studied the small consequences and their terms in which the jQuery Timepicker is the best option available. Moreover, we also came across the UI components fundamentally related to HTML and CSS that are very crucial to observe what the Timepicker does in a real way. The jQuery timepicker is quite often used with standard input forms and selection forms that might consist of picking up the intervals of time.