Kotlin Android JSON Parsing using URL
JSON refers to JavaScript Object Notation, and it is a programming language. JSON is used to parse the data between the server and the client. It is minimal, textual and a subset of JavaScript. It is the alternative to XML parsing.
The advantage of JSON over XML
- JSON is faster and easier than XML for AJAX applications.
- Unlike XML, it is shorter and quicker to read and write.
- It uses an array.
JSON Object
A JSON object contains key/value pairs like a map. The keys are strings and the values are the JSON types. A comma separates keys and values (,). The curly brace {} represents the JSON object.
Kotlin JSON Parsing using URL Example
In this example, we parse the JSON data from URL and bind them into a ListView. The JSON data contains the “id” “name” “email”.
JSON data index.html
Create a JSON file index.html.
While executing the JSON file (index.html) looks like as:
Add the ListView in the activity_main.xml layout file.
Add the following okhttp dependency in the build.gradle file.
Create a data model class Model.kt which includes the information String “id”, String “name” and String “email”.
Create an adapter_layout.xml file in the layout directory which contains the row items for ListView.
Create a custom adapter class CustomAdapter.kt and extend BaseAdapter to handle the custom ListView.
Add the following code in MainActivity.kt class file. This class read the JSON data in the form of a JSON object. Using the JSON object, we read the JSON array data. The JSON data are bind in ArrayList.
Add the Internet permission in AndroidManifest.xml file.