Kotlin Operator
Operators are special characters which perform operation on operands (values or variable).There are various kind of operators available in Kotlin.
- Arithmetic operator
- Relation operator
- Assignment operator
- Unary operator
- Bitwise operation
- Logical operator
Arithmetic Operator
Arithmetic operators are used to perform basic mathematical operations such as addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), division (/) etc.
Operator | Description | Expression | Translate to |
+ | Addition | a+b | a.plus(b) |
– | Subtraction | a-b | a.minus(b) |
* | Multiply | a*b | a.times(b) |
/ | Division | a/b | a.div(b) |
% | Modulus | a%b | a.rem(b) |
Example of Arithmetic Operator
15 5 50 2 0
Relation Operator
Relation operator shows the relation and compares between operands. Following are the different relational operators:
Operator | Description | Expression | Translate to |
> | greater than | a>b | a.compateTo(b)>0 |
< | Less than | a<b | a.compateTo(b)<0 |
>= | greater than or equal to | a>=b | a.compateTo(b)>=0 |
<= | less than or equal to | a<=b | a?.equals(b)?:(b===null) |
== | is equal to | a==b | a?.equals(b)?:(b===null) |
!= | not equal to | a!=b | !(a?.equals(b)?:(b===null)) |
Example of Relation Operator
b is greater than a. max = 10
Assignment operator
Assignment operator “=” is used to assign a value to another variable. The assignment of value takes from right to left.
Operator | Description | Expression | Convert to |
+= | add and assign | a+=b | a.plusAssign(b) |
-= | subtract and assign | a-=b | a.minusAssign(b) |
*= | multiply and assign | a*=b | a.timesAssign(b) |
/= | divide and assign | a/=b | a.divAssign(b) |
%= | mod and assign | a%=b | a.remAssign(b) |
Example of Assignment operator
a+=b :25 a-=b :20 a*=b :100 a/=b :20 a%=b :0
Unary Operator
Unary operator is used with only single operand. Following are some unary operator given below.
Operator | Description | Expression | Convert to |
+ | unary plus | +a | a.unaryPlus() |
– | unary minus | -a | a.unaryMinus() |
++ | increment by 1 | ++a | a.inc() |
— | decrement by 1 | –a | a.dec() |
! | not | !a | a.not() |
Example of Unary Operator
+a :10 -b :-5 ++a :11 --b :4 !flag :false
Logical Operator
Logical operators are used to check conditions between operands. List of logical operators are given below.
Operator | Description | Expression | Convert to |
&& | return true if all expression are true | (a>b) && (a>c) | (a>b) and (a>c) |
|| | return true if any expression are true | (a>b) || (a>c) | (a>b) or(a>c) |
! | return complement of expression | !a | a.not() |
Example of Logical Operator
(a>b) && (a>c) :false (a>b) || (a>c) :true !flag :true
Bitwise Operation
In Kotlin, there is not any special bitwise operator. Bitwise operation is done using named function.
Named Function | Description | Expression |
shl (bits) | signed shift left | a.shl(b) |
shr (bits) | signed shift right | a.shr(b) |
ushr (bits) | unsigned shift right | a.ushr(b) |
and (bits) | bitwise and | a.and(b) |
or (bits) | bitwise or | a.or(b) |
xor (bits) | bitwise xor | a.xor(b) |
inv() | bitwise inverse | a.inv() |
Example of Bitwise Operation
a.shl(b): 40 a.shr(b): 2 a.ushr(b:) 2 a.and(b): 2 a.or(b): 10 a.xor(b): 8 a.inv(): -11