Latex Overleaf
The Latex is a free mathematical typesetting software available through different means. The Overleaf used here is a cloud-based system, where we can do our Word processing online and can download the output files in the PDF format.
Let’s start with the Overleaf.
The steps are given below:
1) Open the browser or any search engine and type
2) The page will open as the image shown below:
3) Click on the register option according to your requirements. The registration option will appear as the image shown below:
4) After registering, the overleaf screen will appear. Click on the ‘New Project‘ option. As soon as you click on the ?new project? option, the drop-down list will appear. You can select the desired format for your document from the drop-down list. The screen will look like the image shown below:
5) Here, we have selected the option ‘Blank Page.’ You can choose any option according to the requirements.
6) Enter the project name for your document. The image is shown below:
We can create our project with any suitable name. You can modify the title, according to the requirements.
7) Click on the ‘Create‘ option.
8) The loading will start, and the default screen of Overleaf will appear as the image shown below:
9) We will write the code for our document on the left screen. The right screen will display the output of the code written on the left side.
10) The ‘Recompile‘ option on the top of the right screen will compile the code and will display the output.
Image Insertion
To insert any image in the Overleaf, we need to click on the Upload icon on the left side of the screen. The icon will look like the image shown below:
We can now select the image to upload. The image will be saved below the main.tex.
To insert in the document, we need to specify the required image with its extension.
The above image icon will be shown in the Overleaf as shown below:
You can insert any image with any particular name in your document.
The graphicx package must be declared to display the image.
Let’s start with our project.
The example shown below will be the article on the topic ‘Stars‘.
The types of packages and other options will be provided in the drop-down as you started typing.
The code is shown in the below two images.
The text will be printed on the left side of the screen, while the output is displayed on the right side.
The screen above shows the code printed on it.
The output or the document will appear as the image shown below:
The right side shown above displays the output of the code written on the left screen.
Let’s consider another example to better understand the pattern of Overleaf.
The example shown below will be the method to create a table.
The output or the document will appear as the image shown below:
PDF or File Saving
To use the source code or to make the PDF for that file, the steps are given below:
1) Click on the ‘menu‘ option on the left corner as shown below:
2) After this, the list will appear like the image shown below:
3) We can select the desired option according to the requirements.