Home » LEFT Function in SQL

LEFT Function in SQL

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LEFT Function in SQL

The LEFT string function retrieves the characters to the given index value from the left side of the original string in the Structured Query Language.

Syntax of LEFT String Function

Syntax1: This syntax uses the LEFT function with the column name of the SQL table:

In the syntax, we have to specify the name of that column on which we want to perform the LEFT function.

Syntax3: This syntax uses the LEFT function with the string:

Examples of LEFT String function

Example 1: The following SELECT query shows the four characters with space from the left side of the specified word:


‘ JA’

Example 2: The following SELECT query shows the left 20 characters from the given string:


‘tutoraspire is a good’

Example 3: The following SELECT query shows the left 13 characters from the given sentence:



Example 4: The following SELECT query shows the 5 characters from the left of the given string:



Example 5: The following SELECT query shows the 100 characters from the left of the specified string:


String Functions

Example 8: This example uses the LEFT function with the table in Structured Query Language.

To understand the LEFT function with SQL, we have to create the SQL table first using CREATE statement. The syntax for creating the new table in the SQL database is as follows:

The following CREATE statement creates the Worker_Info table:

The below INSERT queries insert the records of college Faculties in the Worker_Info table:

The following SELECT statement displays the inserted records of the above Worker_Info table:

Worker_Id Worker_First_Name Worker_Last_Name Worker_Dept_Id Worker_Address Worker_City Worker_Salary
1001 Arush Sharma 4001 Aman Vihar Delhi 20000
1002 Bulbul Roy 4002 Nirman Vihar Delhi 38000
1004 Saurabh Roy 4001 Sector 128 Mumbai 45000
1005 Shivani Singhania 4001 Vivek Vihar Kolkata 42000
1006 Avinash Sharma 4002 Sarvodya Calony Delhi 28000
1007 Shyam Besas 4003 Krishna Nagar Lucknow 35000

Query 1: The following SELECT query uses the LEFT function with the Worker_First_Name column of the above Worker_Info table:

This SQL statement shows the first three characters of the first name of each worker.


Worker_First_Name LEFT_3FirstName
Arush Aru
Bulbul Bul
Saurabh Sau
Shivani Shi
Avinash Avi
Shyam Shy

Query 2: The following SELECT query uses the LEFT function with the Worker_Last_Name column of the above Worker_Info table:

This SQL statement shows the first three characters of the last name of each worker.


Worker_Last_Name LEFT_2LastName
Besas Be

Query 3: The following SELECT query uses the LEFT function with the Worker_Address column of the above Worker_Info table:

This SQL statement shows the four characters from the left of the address of each worker.


Worker_Address LEFT_4Address
Aman Vihar Aman
Nirman Vihar Nirm
Sector 128 Sect
Vivek Vihar Vive
Sarvodya Calony Sarv
Krishna Nagar Kris

Query 4: The following SELECT query uses the LEFT function with the Worker_City column of the above Worker_Info table:

This SQL statement shows the first character of the city of each worker.


Worker_City LEFT_1City
Delhi D
Delhi D
Mumbai M
Kolkata K
Delhi D
Lucknow L

The following SELECT query uses the LEFT function with the Worker_First_Name and Worker_Address column of the above Worker_Info table:


Worker_First_Name LEFT_2character Worker_Address LEFT_6character
Bulbul Bu Nirman Vihar Nirman
Saurabh Sa Sector 128 Sector
Shivani Sh Vivek Vihar Vivek
Shyam Sh Krishna Nagar Krishn

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