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Less Import Options

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Less Import Options

Less @import directive facilitates you to import both Less and CSS stylesheets.

A list of import directives that are implemented in import statement:

Index Import Options Description
1) reference The reference option uses a Less file only as reference . It doesn?t display it as an output.
2) inline The inline option facilitates you to copy your CSS into the output without being processed.
3) less It is treated as a regular Less file, despite whatever may be the file extension.
4) css It is treated as a regular CSS file, despite whatever may be the file extension.
5) once It is used to import the file only one time.
6) multiple It is used to import the file multiple times.
7) optional It is compiled even though the file to import is not found.

Note: You can use more than one keyword in @import statement. You just have to separate those keyword by a comma.

For example:

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