Home » Program to Print Pattern 15

Program to Print Pattern 15

by Online Tutorials Library

Program to print the following pattern (pascal triangle)

Program to print the following pattern (pascal triangle)


  1. Start
  2. Let i be an integer number.
  3. Let j be an integer number.
  4. Let row be an integer number and initialize by 6.
  5. Let coe be an integer number and initialize by 0.
  6. Repeat step 7 to 14 until all value parsed.
  7. Set i = 0 and check I <= row;
  8. Set j = 1 and check j <= row-i;
  9. Print space.
  10. check if j==0 || i==0
  11. set coe = 1;
  12. Else
  13. Set coe = coe * (i+j-1)/j;
  14. Print coe.
  15. End



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