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Redis Keys

Redis Keys are used with Redis command to manage themselves. See the syntax of using Redis keys with commands.



Let’s take an example of Redis key using with Redis DEL command. It will give an output 1, if the key is deleted otherwise it will be 0.

Redis Keys 1

Here, “DEL” is a Redis command while “tutoraspire” is a key.

Redis Keys with Commands

Index Command Description
1 DEL key This command is used to delete the key, if it exists.
2 DUMP key This command is used to return a serialized version of the value stored at the specified key.
3 EXISTS key This command is used to check whether the key exists or not.
4 EXPIRE key This command is used to set the expiry of the key after the specified time in seconds.
5 EXPIREAT key This command is used to set the expiry of the key after the specified time. Here time is in UNIX timestamp format.
6 PEXPIRE key This command is used to set the expiry of key in milliseconds.
7 PEXPIREAT key This command is used to set the expiry of the key in UNIX timestamp specified as milliseconds.
8 KEYS pattern This command is used to find all keys matching the specified pattern.
9 MOVE key It is used to move a key to another database.
10 PERSIST key It is used to remove the expiration from the key.
11 PTTL key It is used to retrieve the remaining time in keys expiry in milliseconds.
12 TTL key It is used to retrieve the remaining time in keys expiry.
13 randomkey It is used to get a random key from Redis.
14 RENAME key newkey It is used to change the key name.
15 RENAMENX key newkey It is used to rename the key, if a new key doesn’t exist.
16 TYPE key It is used to fetch the data type of the value stored in the key.
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