A simple function for a very common issue: “I can’t find where to change the PayPal icon?”. If you have the same problem, here’s a quick PHP fix.
WooCommerce PHP Snippet: Change the PayPal Icon @ Checkout Page
Note: you can find official PayPal icons @ https://www.paypal.com/ie/webapps/mpp/logo-center
* @snippet Change the PayPal Icon @ Checkout Page
* @how-to Get tutoraspire.com FREE
* @author Tutor Aspire
* @compatible WC 3.6.1
* @donate $9 https://tutoraspire.com
add_filter( 'woocommerce_paypal_icon', 'tutoraspire_replace_paypal_icon' );
function tutoraspire_replace_paypal_icon() {
return 'https://your_image_url';