Akka Actor life cycle Akka provides life cycle methods for Actor. There are following methods to which you can override and provide…
actor model
Akka ActorSystem The ActorSystem is a root actor in actors structure. An ActorSystem is a hierarchical group of actors which share common…
Akka Creating Child Actor Akka provides facility to create child actor. You can create child actor by using implicit context reference. ActorSystem…
Akka Props Props is a configuration class which is used to specify options while creating an actor. It is immutable, so it…
Akka Stopping Actors In Akka, you can stop Actors by invoking the stop() method of either ActorContext or ActorSystem class. ActorContext is…
What is Akka Akka is a open-source library or a toolkit. It is used to create concurrent, distributed and fault-tolerant application. You…
Akka Actor Forward Message You can forward a message from one actor to another. In this case, address/reference of an Actor is…
Akka Actor Reply Messages You can reply to a message by using sender() method. This method gives you ActorRef which is a…
Akka Actor Communication In Akka, actors communicate to each other by sending and receiving messages. Akka Actor Send Messages Akka provides two…
Actor An actor is an entity which communicates to other actor by message passing. Actor has it’s own state and behavior. As…