SQL Trigger As we have discussed SQL Trigger in SQL tutorial of tutoraspire so you can go through the concepts again to…
dbms vs files system
SQL Cursors As we have discussed SQL Cursors in SQL tutorial of tutoraspire so you can go through the concepts again to…
DBMS Tutorial DBMS Tutorial provides basic and advanced concepts of Database. Our DBMS Tutorial is designed for beginners and professionals both. Database…
Query Processing in DBMS Query Processing is the activity performed in extracting data from the database. In query processing, it takes various…
Types of Databases There are various types of databases used for storing different varieties of data: 1) Centralized Database It is the…
Types of Relationship in Database Table A relational database collects different types of data sets that use tables, records, and columns. It…
Unique Key in DBMS The word ‘unique’ defines a thing which is unique from other things. A unique key in DBMS is…
Keys Keys play an important role in the relational database. It is used to uniquely identify any record or row of data…
QUESTIONS TO IDENTIFY NORMAL FORM To solve the question to identify normal form, we must understand its definitions of BCNF, 3 NF,…
SQL Clauses The following are the various SQL clauses: 1. GROUP BY SQL GROUP BY statement is used to arrange identical data…