PHP string crypt() Function The crypt() is predefined PHP string function. It is used to returns a hashed string by using DES,…
Java String toLowerCase() The java string toLowerCase() method returns the string in lowercase letter. In other words, it converts all characters of…
PHP String strtr() function The strtr() is an in-built function of PHP, which is used to replace a substring inside the other…
Java String charAt() The Java String class charAt() method returns a char value at the given index number. The index number starts…
PHP String substr() Function The substr() is a built-in function of PHP, which is used to extract a part of a string.…
AngularJS ng-bind-template Directive The AngularJS ng-bind-template directive specifies that the text content should be replaced with a template. It replaces the content…
PHP chunk_split() Function PHP chunk_split() function is used to splits a string into smaller parts or chunks. The function does not alter…
PHP string strcasecmp() function PHP string strcasecmp() is predefine function. It is used to compare two given string. It is binary safe…
jQuery position() The jQuery position () method makes you able to retrieve the current position of an element relative to the parent…
AngularJS ng-controller Directive The AngularJS ng-controller directive adds a controller class to the view (your application). It is the key aspect which…