Java ConcurrentLinkedQueue addAll() method The addAll() method of ConcurrentLinkedQueue class appends all of the elements in the specified collection at the tail…
Java ConcurrentLinkedQueue forEach() Method The forEach() method of ConcurrentLinkedQueue class executes the specified action for each element of Iterable, until all the…
Java ConcurrentLinkedQueue removeAll() Method The removeAll() method of ConcurrentLinkedQueue class is used to remove the elements of the ConcurrentLinkedQueue that are matched…
Java ConcurrentLinkedQueue removeIf() Method The removeIf() method of ConcurrentLinkedQueue class removes the elements of this queue that satisfies the given predicate filter.…
Java ConcurrentLinkedQueue retainAll() method The retainAll() method of ConcurrentLinkedQueue class keeps only those elements in this queue that are present in the…
Java ConcurrentLinkedQueue size() method The size() method of ConcurrentLinkedQueue class returns the total count of the elements present in the queue. Syntax:…
Java ConcurrentLinkedQueue toArray() Method The toArray() method of ConcurrentLinkedQueue class returns an array containing all the elements present in the queue in…
Java ConcurrentLinkedQueue add() method The add() method of ConcurrentLinkedQueue class inserts the specified element at the tail of this ConcurrentLinkedQueue. The addAll()…
Java Deque addLast() Method The addLast() method of Java Deque Interface is used to insert the specified element at the end of…
Java Deque pop() Method The pop() method of Java Deque interface is used to pop an element from the given stack represented…