Go Closure Here, we create an anonymous function which acts as a function closure. A function which has no name is called…
Go HTTP Server Go can be also used to create web applications. Net/http is a library package used to build web applications.…
Go REST API Example package main import ( “encoding/json” “log” “net/http” “github.com/gorilla/mux” ) type Employee struct { ID string ‘json:”id,omitempty”‘ Firstname string…
Go Command Line Arguments When we need to execute a program with some arguments, we generally use command line argument. The arguments…
Go If The if statement in Go is used to test the condition. If it evaluates to true, the body of the…
Go Rune Type The type rune is an alias for type int32. The rune literals are an integer value. If you store…
Go Comments The Go comments are not executed by the compiler and interpreter. The comments are used to provide information or explanation…
Go Installation You can install Go programming on different operating systems like Windows, Linux, Mac etc. This is a link of binary…
Go Slice In Go, slice is a dynamically-sized, segmented view of an underlying array. This segment can be the entire array or…
Go Concurrency Large programs are divided into smaller sub-programs. Programs which run their smaller components at the same time is known as…