In this Excel tutorial you will learn how to create a chart with baseline. You may need that for reports or checking filling the targets (eg. targets of production or sales).

When to use chart with a baseline?

You may need to use chart with a baseline to visualize fulfilling the goals, reaching the targets or for showing the sales results.

How to create a chart with a baseline?

1. Consider the data and plot the chart from it.

example chart

2. Enter the value of baseline in first row and drag it downward as shown below.

enter baseline

3. Select chart window, under design option choose Select Data option.

Select Data

4. A window will appear like shown below. Click on Add option.

Add series

5. On selecting Add option a small window will appear. Set the Series name as Baseline and for Series values select the whole column of Baseline from data. Then press ok.

edit series

6. Now you will have a baseline on your chart window as shown below.

baseline chart ready

Your chart with a baseline is ready to use.