In this article we will try to learn how to create the Pie of the Pie chart.

Pie chart is also called as a circle chart and the data is represented in the a circle which resembles slices of pie.

But we have a limitation in pie charts, unlike other charts like column and line chart we can only use single data series in a pie chart.

Also we cannot display any negative value of a zero value in a pie chart which is another limitation. Nay negative value if used will be displayed as it positive part.

Moreover we have to choose the categories in such a way that the total of categories should we displayed as a percentage of 100. As complete circle denotes 100%.

It will look good if we can display less than 10 categories, otherwise it will become not readable in the pie chart. Let us start by creating data for a simple pie chart and creating a simple pie chart based on that:

basic pie chart

Now let us add more details of some category by selecting pie of pie chart which is as shown below:

select pie in pie

The final chart will represent item4 and item 5 as a separate pie out of the bigger pie like this:

example pie in pie chart

Now we got the pie of pie chart.