Cube functions allow Excel to access data from an Analysis Services data source without using a Pivot Table.

There are many different types of cube function:


CUBEVALUE function

CubeValue function returns an aggregated value from the cube.


The syntax of the CUBE Function is:

=CUBEVALUE(connection, member_expression1, member_expression2…)

connection is a text string of the name of the connection to the cube

member_expression is a text string that evaluates to a member within the cube



=CUBEVAULE ("Sales"," [Measures].[Profit]", "[Time].[2004]"," [All Product].[Beverages]")

=CUBEVALUE ($A$1,” [Member].[Profit]", D212,$A23)




CUBEMEMBER returns an element or a tuple from the cube.


The syntax of CUBEMEMBER function is:

=CUBEMEMBER (connection, member_expression, [caption])

Connection is a text string of the name of the connection to the cube

member_expression is a text string that evaluates to a member within the cube

Caption is a text string that is displayed in the cell instead of the caption, if one is defined, from the cube.



=CUBEMEMBER ("Sales", [months].[september])



CUBEKPIMEMBER returns a key performance indicator (KPI) property and displays the KPI name in the cell


The syntax of CUBEKPIMEMBER is:

=CUBEKPIMEMBER (connection, kpi_name, kpi_property, [caption])

Connection is a text string of the name of the connection to the cube

Kpi_name is a text string of the name of the kpi in the cube

Kpi_property is the Kpi component returned



=CUBEKPIMEMBER ("Sales","MySalesKPI", 1)

=CUBEKPIMEMBER ("Sales","MySalesKPI", KPIGoal,"Sales KPI Goal")



Returns the nth, or ranked, member in a set.



=CUBERANKEDMEMBER(connection, set_expression, rank, [caption])



=CUBERANKEDMEMBER("Sales",$D$4,1,"Top Month")

=CUBERANKEDMEMBER("Sales",CUBESET("Sales","Summer","[2004].[June]","[2004].[July]","[2004].August]"),3,"Top Month")


CUBESET function

Defines a calculated set of members or tuples by sending a set expression to the cube on the server, which creates the set, and then returns that set to Microsoft Excel.



CUBESET(connection, set_expression, [caption], [sort_order], [sort_by])

Set_expression is A text string of a set expression that results in a set of members or tuples.

Caption is a text string that is displayed in the cell instead of the caption, if one is defined, from the cube.

Sort_order is the type of sort, if any, to perform



=CUBESET("Finance","Order([Product].[Product].[Product Category].Members,[Measures].[UnitSales],ASC)","Products")

=CUBESET("Sales","[Product].[All Products].Children","Products",1,"[Measures].[Sales Amount]")

=CUBESET("Sales","Filter([Product].[Level_1].[Level_1].Members, Right([Product].[Level_1].CurrentMember.Name, 2)=""_Wisconsin"")")

=CUBESET("ThisWorkbookDataModel",(A1,A2),"Product1 & Product2")



Returns the number of items in a set.


The syntax of the CUBESETCOUNT Function is


Where Set is a text string of a Microsoft Excel expression that evaluates to a set defined by the CUBESET function.




=CUBESETCOUNT (CUBESET ("Sales","[Product]. [All Products].Children","Products", 1,"[Measures]. [Sales Amount]"))


It is possible to create formulas using nested cube functions. For example you can create something like:


Further reading: 
Create Pivot Table from Multiple Sheets
Engineering functions
How to create a year-over-year report using a pivot table?