What is the full form of UNO
UNO: United Nations Organization
UNO stands for United Nations Organization. It is an international organization, which was established in 1945 after seeing the consequences of World War II. After this war, 51 countries came forward with a common goal to maintain international peace and security and agreed to sign a document, which was a charter to create a new organization by the name of the United Nations. Its main objective was to develop friendly relations among nations and promote social progress, living standards, and human rights.
UNO has six official languages, which include Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, and Spanish. At present, it comprises 193 Member States, and its principals and objectives are contained in its founding Charter.
The major focus of UNO is in the following areas:
- International peace and security
- Humanitarian assistance to those in need
- Upholding international law, protecting human rights, and promoting democracy
At present, the member states are working together to fight climate change. Furthermore, owing to its international character and powers vested in its Charter, this organization can take action against the issues which are a threat to or may disturb the peace, development, and social growth.
Structure of UNO:
There are six main bodies of the United Nations Organisation:
- The General Assembly
- The Security Council
- The Economic and Social Council
- The Trusteeship Council
- The International Court of Justice
- The Secretariat
The General Assembly is the main representative organ of the UN. All member states of the UN are represented in the General Assembly, which makes it the only UN body with universal representation.
The main committees of the UN General Assembly include:
- First Committee: It deals with Disarmament & International Security.
- Second Committee: It deals with Economic & Financial matters.
- Third Committee: It deals with Social, Humanitarian & Cultural matters.
- Fourth Committee: It deals with Special Political & Decolonization.
- Fifth Committee: It deals with Administrative & Budgetary matters.
- Sixth Committee: It deals with Legal Matters.