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Cloud Security | What is cloud security

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What is cloud security?

Cloud security is the set of control-based security measures and technology protection, designed to protect online stored resources from leakage, theft, and data loss. Protection includes data from cloud infrastructure, applications, and threats. Security applications uses a software the same as SaaS (Software as a Service) model.

How to manage security in the cloud?

Cloud service providers have many methods to protect the data.

Firewall is the central part of cloud architecture. The firewall protects the network and the perimeter of end-users. It also protects traffic between various apps stored in the cloud.

Access control protects data by allowing us to set access lists for various assets. For example, you can allow the application of specific employees while restricting others. It’s a rule that employees can access the equipment that they required. We can keep essential documents which are stolen from malicious insiders or hackers to maintaining strict access control.

Data protection methods include Virtual Private Networks (VPN), encryption, or masking. It allows remote employees to connect the network. VPNaccommodates the tablets and smartphone for remote access. Data masking maintains the data’s integrity by keeping identifiable information private. A medical company share data with data masking without violating the HIPAA laws.

For example, we are putting intelligence information at risk in order of the importance of security. It helps to protect mission-critical assets from threats. Disaster recovery is vital for security because it helps to recover lost or stolen data.

Benefits of Cloud Security System

We understand how the cloud computing security operates to find ways to benefit your business.

Cloud-based security systems benefit the business by:

  • Protecting the Business from Dangers
  • Protect against internal threats
  • Preventing data loss
  • Top threats to the system include Malware, Ransomware, and
  • Break the Malware and Ransomware attacks
  • Malware poses a severe threat to the businesses.

More than 90% of malware comes via email. It is often reassuring that employee’s download malware without analysingit. Malicious software installs itself on the network to steal files or damage the content once it is downloaded.

Ransomware is a malware that hijacks system’s data and asks for a financial ransom. Companies are reluctant to give ransom because they want their data back.

Data redundancy provides the option to pay a ransom for your data. You can get that was stolen with minimal service interruption.

Many cloud data protection solutions identify malware and ransomware. Firewalls keep malicious email out of the inbox.

DDoS Security

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS)is flooded with requests. Website slows down the downloading until it crashes to handle the number of requests.

DDoS attacks come with many serious side effects. Most of the companies suffering from DDoS attacks lose $ 10,000 to $ 100,000. Many businesses damage reputation when customers lose confidence in the brand. If confidential customer data is lost through any DDoS attack, we may face challenges.

The severity of these side effects, some companies shut down after the DDoS attacks. It is to be noted that the last DDoS attack lasted for 12 days.

Cloud security service monitors the cloud to identify and prevent attacks. The cloud service providers protectthe cloud service users in real time.

Threat to detect

Cloud computing detects advanced threats by using endpoint scanning for threats at the device level.

Difference between Cloud Security and Traditional IT Security

Cloud security Traditional IT Security
Quick scalable Slow scaling
Efficient resource utilization Lower efficiency
Usage-based cost Higher cost
Third-party data centres In-house data centres
Reduced time to market Longer time to market
Low upfront infrastructure High Upfronts costs

Top 7 Advanced Cloud Security Challenges

It becomes more challenging when adopting modern cloud approaches Like: automated cloud integration, and continuous deployment (CI/CD) methods, distributed serverless architecture, and short-term assets for tasks such as a service and container.

Some of the advanced cloud-native security challenge and many layers of risk faced by today’s cloud-oriented organizations are below:

1. Enlarged Surface

Public cloud environments have become a large and highly attractive surface for hackers and disrupt workloads and data in the cloud. Malware, zero-day, account acquisition and many malicious threats have become day-to-day more dangerous.

2. Lack of visibility and tracking

Cloud providers have complete control over the infrastructure layer and cannot expose it to their customers in the IaaS model. The lack of visibility and control is further enhanced in the SaaS cloud models. Cloud customers are often unable to identify their cloud assets or visualize their cloud environments effectively.

3. Ever-changing workload

Cloud assets are dynamically demoted at scale and velocity. Traditional security tools implement protection policies in a flexible and dynamic environment with an ever-changing and short-term workload.

4. DevOps, DevSecOps and Automation

Organizations are adopting an automated DevOps CI/CD culture that ensures the appropriate security controls are identified and embeddedin the development cycle in code and templates. Security-related changes implemented after the workload is deployed to production can weaken the organization’s security posture and lengthen the time to market.

5. Granular privileges and critical management

At the application level, configured keys and privileges expose the session to security risks. Often cloud user roles are loosely configured, providing broad privileges beyond therequirement. An example is allowing untrained users or users to delete or write databases with no business to delete or add database assets.

6. Complex environment

These days the methods and tools work seamlessly on public cloud providers, private cloud providers, and on-premises manage persistent security in hybrid and multi-cloud environments-it including geographic Branch office edge security for formally distributed organizations.

7. Cloud Compliance and Governance

All the leading cloud providers have known themselves best, such as PCI 3.2, NIST 800-53, HIPAA and GDPR.

It gives the poor visibility and dynamics of cloud environments. The compliance audit process becomes close to mission impossible unless the devices are used to receive compliance checks and issue real-time alerts.

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