Last week a client who was about to carry a Facebook Advertising campaign asked me something pretty interesting. We already saw in the past how to add conversion tracking to the Thank-you page, however this time was slightly different.
My client’s FB consultant required a code for the whole site, another code for the Checkout page only (“user has initiated checkout”), and another one for the Thank-you page (“user has purchased”). So, here’s how I did it.

Thinking out loud: conditional logic
When you code in WooCommerce you always need to ask yourself a question: does your snippet need to run on every page of the website?
If the answer is no, you probably heard already of conditional logic (I covered WooCommerce conditional logic in a previous tutorial). And this case is no different.
We need a different Facebook tracking code for:
- the whole site, excluding checkout & thank you page
- the Checkout page only
- the Thank-you page only
So the trick is basically finding what’s the ideal PHP to execute something along the lines of: IF (CONDITION) > THEN (ECHO THIS).
If you took a look at my tutorial, the conditional tag to target the checkout page is: is_checkout(). Problem is, this targets the Thank-you page as well (they have the same page ID!). So I had to use another conditional tag, called is_wc_endpoint_url( ‘order-received’ ), which targets exclusively that “endpoint”.
Ok, let’s see how the PHP works 🙂
PHP snippet: Add Different Facebook Pixels to Different WooCommerce Pages
/** * @snippet Add Different Facebook Pixels to Different WooCommerce Pages * @how-to Get FREE * @sourcecode * @author Tutor Aspire * @testedwith WooCommerce 2.6.8 */ add_action( 'wp_head', 'tutoraspire_head_conditional_fb_pixel' ); function tutoraspire_head_conditional_fb_pixel() { if ( is_checkout() && !is_wc_endpoint_url( 'order-received' ) ) { // FIRST WE TARGET THE CHECKOUT PAGE WITH is_checkout() // AND WE MAKE SURE TO EXCLUDE THE THANK YOU PAGE ?>