73 PHP Snippet: Display
In my opinion, the WooCommerce Cart table is somewhat confusing. Why isn’t the “sale price” displayed there? Well, this is a mystery!
I’m pretty confident that showing the “slashed” price would actually help your conversion rate.
So, what about 10 PHP lines in exchange for an increase in sales? Great! Here’s the snippet 🙂
PHP Snippet: Display Regular/Sale Price in the Cart Table @ WooCommerce Cart
* @snippet Show Regular/Sale Price @ WooCommerce Cart Table
* @how-to Get tutoraspire.com FREE
* @author Tutor Aspire
* @testedwith WooCommerce 3.8
* @donate $9 https://tutoraspire.com
add_filter( 'woocommerce_cart_item_price', 'tutoraspire_change_cart_table_price_display', 30, 3 );
function tutoraspire_change_cart_table_price_display( $price, $values, $cart_item_key ) {
$slashed_price = $values['data']->get_price_html();
$is_on_sale = $values['data']->is_on_sale();
if ( $is_on_sale ) {
$price = $slashed_price;
return $price;