There are many snippets on the internet but many are out of date… so this is how to completely hide the Shop Page title in WooCommerce (plus: how to hide the title on WooCommerce Category and Tag pages). Enjoy!
PHP Snippet 1: Remove Title @ WooCommerce Shop Page
* @snippet Remove shop page title - WooCommerce Shop
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* @author Tutor Aspire
* @compatible WooCommerce 6
* @donate $9 https://tutoraspire.com
add_filter( 'woocommerce_show_page_title', 'tutoraspire_hide_shop_page_title' );
function tutoraspire_hide_shop_page_title( $title ) {
if ( is_shop() ) $title = false;
return $title;
PHP Snippet 2: Remove Title @ WooCommerce Product Category Pages
* @snippet Remove cat page title - WooCommerce Cat pages
* @how-to Get tutoraspire.com FREE
* @author Tutor Aspire
* @compatible WooCommerce 6
* @donate $9 https://tutoraspire.com
add_filter( 'woocommerce_show_page_title', 'tutoraspire_hide_cat_page_title' );
function tutoraspire_hide_cat_page_title( $title ) {
if ( is_product_category() ) $title = false;
return $title;
PHP Snippet 3: Remove Title @ WooCommerce Product Archive Pages (Shop, Category, Tag, etc.)
* @snippet Remove page title from all WooCommerce archive pages
* @how-to Get tutoraspire.com FREE
* @author Tutor Aspire
* @compatible WooCommerce 6
* @donate $9 https://tutoraspire.com
add_filter( 'woocommerce_show_page_title', '__return_null' );