Edit the number of WooCommerce products per page (12 in this case)
If you have many products and don’t want to use pagination (splitting the page in 1, 2, 3 or more pages), here’s the fix for you.

PHP Snippet: Change “Products per Page” @ Shop and Loop Pages
The default number of products per page is 4 rows * 4 columns = 16 products.
Some themes may affect this default figure:
- by using a snippet similar to the one below
- or by following the settings defined at WordPress Dashboard > Reading > “Blog pages show at most”.
In the snippet below, simply define the number of products per page by changing “12” to whatever number you like.
* @snippet Products per Page - WooCommerce Shop
* @how-to Get tutoraspire.com FREE
* @author Tutor Aspire
* @compatible WooCommerce 3.6.2
* @donate $9 https://tutoraspire.com
add_filter( 'loop_shop_per_page', 'tutoraspire_redefine_products_per_page', 9999 );
function tutoraspire_redefine_products_per_page( $per_page ) {
$per_page = 12;
return $per_page;