Home » Write a Program to calculate the surface Area of Cone

Write a Program to calculate the surface Area of Cone

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Write a Program to calculate the surface Area of Cone

Before writing the program of calculating the surface area of cone in different programming languages, firstly we have to know about what is cone and what is the formula to find surface area of it?

What is Cone?

A cone is a half-part of the sphere.

Surface Area of Cone is the total number of square units which exactly cover the cone surface.

Program of calculating the surface area of a cone in different Programming languages

Program 1: Write a Program in C language:

Output of Above C program:

Enter the radius of the cone: 5  Enter the slant height of the cone: 10  Surface Area of the cone is: 235.62  

Program 2: Write a Program in Java language:

Output of Above Java program:

The Surface Area of a cone in Java:  75.398224  

Program 3: Write a Program in PHP programming language.

Output of Above PHP program:


Program 4: Write a Program in Python programming language.

Output of Above Python program:

Surface Area of Cone:  75.39822368615503  

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