DB2 is little bit complicated to use at command line. You can use it GUI by downloading RazorSQL.
What is RazorSQL
RazorSQL is a SQL query tool, database browser, SQL editor, and database administration tool for Windows, Mac OS X, macOS, Linux, and Solaris. It is a cross
How to use DB2 RazorSQL GUI
Download RazorSQL from its official website: https://razorsql.com/ and install. It is a very usefull tool to run many databases. DB2 is one of them.
Now follow the following instructions:
First open command prompt and run db2start command to start database.
Then open RazorSQL tool.
Fill all the entries according to your installed DB2 tool and click on connect.
You are connected now.
Now click on DB2admin and explore all your created tables, views, functions etc.
Now you can do all operations.