PrimeFaces Dialog
It is a panel component which can overlay other elements on page. It is used to create a pop-up that can be used to display other elements too. It provides two methods show() and hide() to manage visibility of the component.
The <p:dialog> is used to create dialog box in JSF application. It also has various attributes that are tabled below.
Dialog Attributes
Attribute | Default value | Type | Description |
header | null | String | It is used to set text of the header. |
draggable | true | Boolean | It specifies draggability. |
resizable | true | Boolean | It specifies resizability. |
modal | false | Boolean | It enables modality. |
visible | false | Boolean | When enabled, dialog is visible by default. |
width | auto | Integer | It is used to set width of the dialog. |
height | auto | Integer | It is used to set height of the dialog. |
minWidth | 150 | Integer | It is used to set minimum width of a resizable dialog. |
minHeight | 0 | Integer | It is used to set minimum height of a resizable dialog. |
style | null | String | It is used to set inline style of the dialog. |
showHeader | true | Boolean | It defines visibility of the header content. |
positionType | fixed | String | It defines whether dialog will be kept in viewport on scroll or keep its position. |
responsive | false | Boolean | It is used to make component responsive. |
footer | null | String | It is used to set text of the footer. |
Here, in the following example, we are implementing <p:dialog> component. This example contains the following files.
JSF File
// dialog.xhtml
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