PrimeFaces NotificationBar
It is a multipurpose fixed positioned panel. It is used to display notification bar. By default, it displays at the top. We can set it’s position by specifying position attribute. We can also set the effect of notification bar like: fade or slide. Apart from all these, it includes various other attributes that are tabled below.
NotificationBar Attributes
Attribute | Default value | Type | Description |
id | null | String | It is an unique identifier of the component. |
rendered | true | Boolean | It sets boolean value to specify the rendering of the component. |
binding | null | Object | It is an expression that maps to a server side UIComponent instance in a backing bean. |
style | null | String | It is used to set style of the container element. |
styleClass | null | String | It is used to set styleClass of the container element. |
position | top | String | It is used to set position of the bar. |
effect | fade | String | It is used to set name of the effect. |
effectSpeed | normal | String | It is used to set speed of the effect. |
autoDisplay | false | Boolean | It is used to set panel is displayed on page load. |
widgetVar | null | String | It is a name of the client side widget. |
Here, in the following example, we are implementing <p:notificationBar> component. This example contains the following files.
JSF File
// notificationBar.xhtml
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