C++ Algorithm replace_copy_if()
C++ Algorithm replace_copy_if() function is used to make a copy of the range [first, last) to the range beginning at result, placing those for which pred returns true by new_value. It uses predicate pred instead of operator== to compare the elements.
This function examines each element in a source range and replaces it if it satisfies a specified predicate while copying the result into a new destination range.
first: An input iterator pointing to the initial position in the range from which elements are being replaced.
last: A input iterator pointing to the final position in the range from which elements are being replaced.
result: An output iterator pointing to the first element of the range where the resulting sequence is stored.
pred: The unary predicate that must be satisfied if the value of an element is to be replaced.
old_value: The old value of the element being replaced.
new_value: The new value assigned to the element with the old value.
Return value
The replace_copy_if() function returns an output iterator pointing to the position that points to the last element written in the result sequence.