New Features in Java
There are many new features that have been added in java. There are major enhancement made in Java5, Java6, Java7 and Java8 like auto-boxing, generics, var-args, java annotations, enum, premain method , lambda expressions, functional interface, method references etc.
Most of the interviewers ask questions from this chapter.
JavaSE 8 Features
The important features of JavaSE 8 are lambda expressions, methods references, default methods, functional interface, java 8 date/time, stream classes etc.
- Java 8 Date/Time API (Java 8)
- Lambda Expressions (Java 8)
- Method References (Java 8)
- Functional Interfaces (Java 8)
- Stream (Java 8)
- Base64 Encode Decode (Java 8)
- Default Methods (Java 8)
- forEach method(Java 8)
- Collectors(Java 8)
- StringJoiner(Java 8)
- Optional class (Java 8)
- Nashorn JavaScript (Java 8)
- Parallel Array Sorting (Java 8)
- Type Inference (Java 8)
- Method Parameter Reflection (Java 8)
- Type annotations and repeating annotations (Java 8)
- Java JDBC Improvements (Java 8)
- Java IO Improvement (Java 8)
- Java Concurrency Improvement (Java 8)
JavaSE 7 Features
The important features of JavaSE 7 are try with resource, catching multiple exceptions etc.
- String in switch statement (Java 7)
- Binary Literals (Java 7)
- The try-with-resources (Java 7)
- Caching Multiple Exceptions by single catch (Java 7)
- Underscores in Numeric Literals (Java 7)
JavaSE 6 Features
The important feature of JavaSE 6 is premain method (also known as instrumentation).
- Instrumentation (premain method) (Java 6)
J2SE 5 Features
The important features of J2SE 5 are generics and assertions. Others are auto-boxing, enum, var-args, static import, for-each loop (enhanced for loop etc.
- For-each loop (Java 5)
- Varargs (Java 5)
- Static Import (Java 5)
- Autoboxing and Unboxing (Java 5)
- Enum (Java 5)
- Covariant Return Type (Java 5)
- Annotation (Java 5)
- Generics (Java 5)
J2SE 4 Features
The important feature of J2SE 4 is assertions. It is used for testing.
- Assertion (Java 4)