Apache Pig SQRT Function The Apache Pig SQRT function is used to find out the square root of the given value. It…
Apache Pig Tutorial
Apache Pig FOREACH Operator The Apache Pig FOREACH operator generates data transformations based on columns of data. It is recommended to use…
Apache Pig UNION Operator The Apache Pig UNION operator is used to compute the union of two or more relations. It doesn’t…
Apache Pig Group Operator The Apache Pig GROUP operator is used to group the data in one or more relations. It groups…
Apache Pig IN Function The Apache Pig IN function is used to reduce the requirement for multiple OR conditions. It facilitates to…
Apache Pig LIMIT Operator The Apache Pig LIMIT operator is used to limit the number of output tuples. However, if you specify…
Apache Pig LOAD Operator The Apache Pig LOAD operator is used to load the data from the file system. Syntax LOAD ‘info’…
Apache Pig LOG Function The Apache Pig LOG function is used to return the natural logarithm (base e) of an expression. Syntax…
Apache Pig ABS Function The Apache Pig ABS function is used to return the absolute value of an expression. If the result…
Apache Pig LOG10 Function The Apache Pig LOG10 function is used to return the base 10 logarithm of an expression. Syntax LOG10(expression)…