You can use the following syntax to group by and count in MongoDB: db.collection.aggregate([ {$group : {_id:”$field_name1″, count:{$sum:”$field_name2″}}} ]) Note that field_name1…
Mongodb Tutorial
- Mongodb TutorialQueries in MongoDBSoftware Tutorials
MongoDB: How to Find Document By id
by Tutor AspireYou can use the following basic syntax to find a document by id in MongoDB: db.collection.find(ObjectId(‘619527e467d6742f66749b72’)) The following examples show how to…
- Mongodb TutorialQueries in MongoDBSoftware Tutorials
MongoDB: How to Use a “NOT IN” Query
by Tutor AspireYou can use the following syntax to query for all documents where the value for a particular field is not in a…
- Aggregation in MongoDBMongodb TutorialSoftware Tutorials
How to Find Duplicates in MongoDB
by Tutor AspireYou can use the following syntax to find documents with duplicate values in MongoDB: db.collection.aggregate([ {“$group” : { “_id”: “$field1”, “count”: {…
- Aggregation in MongoDBMongodb TutorialSoftware Tutorials
MongoDB: How to Select Distinct Values from Multiple Fields
by Tutor AspireYou can use the following syntax to select distinct values from multiple fields in MongoDB: db.collection.aggregate( [ {$group: { “_id”: { field1:…
- Aggregation in MongoDBMongodb TutorialSoftware Tutorials
MongoDB: How to Count Distinct Values in Field
by Tutor AspireYou can use the following methods to count the distinct values in a specific field in MongoDB: Method 1: Find List of…
- Mongodb TutorialQueries in MongoDBSoftware Tutorials
MongoDB: How to Query for “not null” in Specific Field
by Tutor AspireYou can use the following syntax to query for all documents where a specific field is not null in MongoDB: db.collection.find({“field_name”:{$ne:null}}) The…
- Aggregation in MongoDBMongodb TutorialSoftware Tutorials
MongoDB: How to Group By and Count
by Tutor AspireYou can use the following syntax to group by and count in MongoDB: db.collection.aggregate([ {$group : {_id:”$field_name”, count:{$sum:1}}} ]) Note that field_name…
- Aggregation in MongoDBMongodb TutorialSoftware Tutorials
MongoDB: How to Find the Max Value in a Collection
by Tutor AspireYou can use the following methods to find the max value of a field in MongoDB: Method 1: Return Document that Contains…
- Aggregation in MongoDBMongodb TutorialSoftware Tutorials
MongoDB: How to Sort Documents By Date
by Tutor AspireYou can use the following methods to sort documents by a date field in MongoDB: Method 1: Sort by Date Ascending db.sales.find().sort({“date_field”:…