C++ Queue emplace() Function C++ Queue emplace() function adds a new element at the end of the queue, following the current back…
C++ Queue
C++ Queue back() Function C++ Queue function returns the value of the last element of the queue. Here last element is the…
C++ Queue empty() Function C++ Queue empty() function is used for testing whether the container is empty or not. Sometimes before actually…
C++ queue front() Function C++ Queue front() function returns the value of the front element of the queue. The first element is…
C++ Queue pop() Function C++ Queue pop() function is used for removing the topmost element of the queue. The function is implied…
C++ Queue push() Function C++ Queue push() function is used for adding new elements at the rear of the queue. The function…
C++ Queue size() Function C++ Queue size() function returns the number of queue elements. The number of elements in the queue is…