Java Deque offerFirst() Method The offerFirst() method of Java Deque Interface is used to insert the given element in the front of…
Java Deque
Java Deque offerLast() Method The offerLast() method of Java Deque Interface is used to insert the given element at the end of…
Java Deque peek () Method The peek() method of Java Deque Interface is used to retrieve but not to remove the head…
Java Deque peekFirst() Method The peekFirst() method of Java Deque Interface retrieves and not remove the first element of the given deque.…
Java Deque peekLast() Method The peekLast() method of Java Deque Interface retrieves and not remove the last element of the given deque.…
Java Deque add() Method The add() method of Deque interface is used to insert the specified element into the specified queue represented…
Java Deque poll() Method The poll() method of Java Deque Interface is used to retrieve and remove the head of the deque.…
Java Deque addAll() Method The addAll() method of Java Deque Interface is used to add all the elements in a specified collection…
Java Deque pollFirst() Method The pollFirst() method of Java Deque Interface is used to retrieve and remove the first element of the…
Java Deque addFirst() Method The addFirst() method of Java Deque Interface is used to insert the specified element at the front of…