PHP string Implode() Function PHP implode() is a string function, which joins the array elements in a string. It is a binary-safe…
PHP Tutorial
PHP String substr_compare() Function The substr_compare() is a built-in function of PHP, which helps to compare the two strings from a specified…
PHP String quoted_printable_decode() Function The quoted_printable_decode() function is a built-in function of PHP, which converts a quoted-printable string to an 8-bit string.…
Reverse String A string can be reversed either using strrev() function or simple PHP code. For example, on reversing TutorAspire it will…
PHP string printf() Function PHP string printf() function predefined functions. It is used to output a formatted string. We can pass the…
PHP fprint() Function PHP fprint() function is used to write a formatted string to a stream. In another words we can say…
PHP String sscanf() Function The sscanf() is predefined PHP function. It is used to return parses input from a string according to…
PHP String substr_replace() Function The substr_replace is an in-built function of PHP, which replaces a part of the string with another text…
PHP convert_uudecode() Function PHP convert_uudecode() function is predefined string PHP function , which is used to decode a uuencoded string. It returns…
PHP string levenshtein() Function PHP string levenshtein() function is in-built function. It is used to calculate the distance between two strings. By…