Mostly when the long description and additional information are short, you may want to move this block of content to the right…
WooCommerce Tips
A very common WooCommerce shop page issue: sometimes (and especially with affiliate stores), WooCommerce product titles are way too long and go…
This is a very cool snippet that many of you should use to increase your average order value. Ecommerce customers who are…
- WooCommerce Tips
WooCommerce: Fix the uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini error
by Tutor AspireWhen importing a big export file from another site, or when installing dummy data from your template developer, the error “the uploaded…
If you wish to print the payment gateway name on order emails (in its own paragraph below the order items table), here’s…
In some countries there is no Postcode/ZIP (such as Ireland!). How do we make the Postcode/ZIP field not required, or how do…
Interesting issue. A client found out that if you push the “enter” on your keyboard while on the WooCommerce Checkout page, the…
On a website using USD and WooCommerce Subscriptions, a weird error showed up. After doing a bit of research, I found out…
For some reason, sometimes you add products to cart but the cart page stays empty (even if you can clearly see the…
WooCommerce functions add the shipping method label on the Cart totals, on the left hand side of the price. This ruins the…