Class 12 Physics MCQ 1) A system containing two equal and opposite charges separated by a finite distance is called as: Electric…
MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions)
Number System MCQ’s 1) Every rational number is a – Whole number Real number Natural number None of the above Show Answer…
Probability MCQ 1) An event in the probability that will never be happened is called as – Unsure event Sure event Possible…
Embedded Systems Multiple Choice Question Using this Embedded Systems MCQ/Answers, you can crack your college viva/ entrance test and interview with the…
Psychology MCQ 1) Where the word “psychology” does come from? Italian Greek Latin None of the above Show Answer Workspace Answer: (b)…
Reasoning MCQ’s 1) If NOIDA is written as OPJEB, then what will be the code for DELHI? EFMAK EFAMK EFMIJ EFMIK Show…
Environmental science MCQ 1) Which of the following is the main reason for producing the atmospheric greenhouse effect? Absorption and re-emission of…
Research Methodology MCQ 1) Who was the author of the book named “Methods in Social Research”? Kerlinger CR Kothari Goode and Hatt…
Environmental Studies MCQ 1) Environmental studies is defined as the branch that deals with the: Design, study, and discovery of new materials.…
General Science MCQ 1) What is the PH of H2O? 6 7 8 9 Show Answer Workspace Answer: (b) 7 Explanation: H2O…