Home » C++ Math atanh() Function

C++ Math atanh() Function

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C++ Math atanh()

The function computes the arc hyperbolic tangent of an angle given in radian.

Where, an arc hyperbolic tangent is the inverse operation of hyperbolic tangent.

tanh-1x =atanh(x)


Suppose an angle given in radian is ‘x’:

Note: The return_type can be float, double long double.


x: The value whose arc hyperbolic tangent is to be computed.

Return value

It returns the arc hyperbolic tangent of x.

Parameter Return value
-1 Finite value
x= -1 -inf
x=1 inf
x<-1 or x>1 Not a Number(nan)

Example 1

Let’s see the simple example when the value of x lies between -1 and 1.


value of x is :0.5  atanh(x) : 0.549306     

In this example, atanh(x) function computes the arc hyperbolic tangent of x and returns the value 0.54.

Example 2

Let’s see the simple example when the value of x is -1.


value of x is :-1  atanh(x) : -inf     

In this example, atanh(x) function computes the arc hyperbolic tangent of x and returns the value ?inf.

Example 3

Let’s see the simple example when the value of x is equal to 1.


value of x is :1  atanh(x) : inf     

In this example, atanh(x) computes the arc hyperbolic tangent of x and returns the value inf.

Example 4

Let’s see the simple example when the value of x is greater than 1.


value of x is :5  atanh(x) : -nan     

In this example, atanh(x) computes the arc hyperbolic tangent of x and returns the value -nan.

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