Create Simple Payroll Units in Tally
- Simple Payroll Units
- Compound Payroll Units
Payrolls can be calculated and computed based on the compound payroll units and simple payroll.
Creation of simple payroll unit in Tally
Simple payroll units refer to single or individual units like Hours, Day, Week, Box, Nos, etc. Use the following step to create a simple payroll unit in Tally.
Step 1: Click on the option Payroll info under Masters.
Step 2: Click on the option Units under Payroll Info features.
Step 3: Click on the option Create under Units (Work) to create a new simple payroll unit in Tally ERP 9.
Step 4: Enter the following details on the next screen Unit Creation.
Type: Select the payroll unit type as Simple.
Symbol: Specify the symbol of the unit.
Formal Name: Specify the name of a payroll unit.
Name of decimal places: Specify the number of decimal places as 2.
Press Enter and click on yes after entering all the required details of payroll units to save the data in Tally ERP 9.